Regulatory and Pharmacovigilance Support
Within a continuously changing regulatory environment, partner 4 health team offers their knowledge and effective support for regulatory and safety departments to gather and analyze date, and writing:
Non-clinical ICH Modules
Clinical ICH Modules
Response to regulatory bodies questions
Investigator's brochure (IB)
Clinical study protocol (CSP) and related documents
Clinical study report (CSR)
IND Briefing documents
EMA scientific advice documents
Pediatric Study Plan and Amendments (FDA)
Pediatric investigational plan (EMA)
Orphan drug designation (ODD; FDA and EMA)
Integrated summaries of safety and efficacy
Periodic benefit-risk evaluation reports (PBRERs) and similar documents
Risk-benefit assessment and design of Risk Minimization Plan
Development safety update reports (DSURs)
Addendum to clinical overviews (ACO)
Scientific and medical review of registration documents
We have vigorously and successfully accompanied biotech and big pharma companies in preparing and presenting their plans, dossiers, and briefing documents.